Sunday, December 10, 2017

Noah Purifoy

We've been having a little bit of cabin fever here recently. With all the moving, unpacking, and adjusting to life back in a military town.... well, we need an adventure! So let's go explore the desert a bit. First up, is the Noah Purifoy Outdoor Desert Art Museum of Assemblage Sculpture. Say that three times fast.

Noah Purifoy was an assemblage sculptor known for creating work from the concerns of his life. Many are politically charged as he was a participant in many activities during the Civil Rights era. 

The ten acres of his high desert studio are free to the public and open during daylight hours. There is a brochure that offers a guided walking path throughout the area but we had fun just meandering and then guessing the names of the exhibits. 

Golden Gate Bridge

Cafeteria Trays

The kids had a blast walking through the exhibits. They were quite excited to see toys and bicycles used in creative ways.

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