Friday, November 22, 2013

Mikan Picking

Fall is my favorite season. Beautiful leaves, wonderful weather. Perfect. In Japan fall is the time of mikans. Mikans, similar to tangerines, are a seedless, easy to peel citrus that originated in Japan. In October fruit stands appear everywhere selling these delicious fruits. But why buy a bag when we can pick them fresh from the tree? Yes, let's go mikan picking.

Oshima Island is about forty minutes away and is home to many of our adventures. It is a great place for carpet sledding, SCUBA, beach fun, great hiking, fantastic cycling and now mikan picking.

The grove was nestled on the side of one of the many mountains on the island. It was a perfect day for picking.

We chose the "all you can eat" picking option for one hour. We also bought bags to take the fruits of our labor (too much?) home.

Mikans are so delicious and easy to eat. In the last 24 hours I've eaten ten of them. You can overdose on vitamin C, right? Hmm....

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